Whatever your goal, we have a ‘meal plan’ personalised to suit you that can make all the difference!



Whether you have a lot of weight to lose or simply a few pounds, we will create a personalised meal plan that will take into account your goal target weight to assist you in achieving this.



There is a lot of benefit to fasting, primarily by giving your body and digestive system a period of time to rest and recover. Other reasons may be to support weight loss, improve blood sugar levels, boost brain function and increase longevity.

The most popular period for fasting is 16/8 which involves limiting consumption of foods to a set window of 8 hours per day and abstaining from food for the remaining 16 hours.

For this chosen goal, we have much success in offering our clients a brunch and dinner meal plan that can be consumed within the ‘8 hour’ window.


There are many reasons people feel they need to put on weight. One specific area is, as a body builder, where we can guide you with the right nutrition.
Certain medical conditions may also be a reason for this, which we will discuss with you during your consultation..



The best way to eat to keep up your energy levels is to eat a balanced diet that includes a variety of unrefined carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, with an emphasis on vegetables, whole grains, and healthy oils.

This may also mean eating smaller meals yet more frequently throughout the day to maintain a good level of energy.

Water is the main component of blood and is essential for carrying nutrients to the cells and taking away waste products. If your body is short on fluids, one of the first signs is a feeling of fatigue so we will work with you to include this regularly throughout the day to keep your body and mind hydrated.


Good nutrition plays a key role in keeping many health conditions at bay.

Whether you already have certain health conditions (diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol) or not, we will work with you to balance your meals within your personalised plan to take into consideration how to reduce the risk of these conditions or to even stop us getting these conditions.



If you have recently become vegan, or have simply decided to reduce the amount of meat, fish and dairy in your diet and are looking for healthy, nutritional and inspirational recipes, we can create a delicious personalised meal plan to suit your needs.


As we get older, our lifestyle and eating habits can change, from becoming less active to having less of an appetite than we used to.

Eating a well-balanced diet is an important part of staying healthy as you age. It can help you maintain a healthy weight, stay energised and get the right nutrients you need. It also lowers your risk of developing chronic health conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes.



Are you cooking for your family? Does your family (husband, children) all have different likes and dislikes? Need to find some delicious yet healthy and nutritious meals to put in front of them that WHOLE family will enjoy?

Look no further. We will create a family friendly personalised meal plan to suit YOU ALL!


A 30 minute consultation (via telephone or email) is included in your ‘meal plan’ package to determine more specifically:
- where you are at now
- where you want to be
- any existing medical conditions
- lifestyle habits
*You will be sent a form to fill out to identify the above questions

~ Please note that we are not medically trained. We can only offer advise based on nutrition and making certain lifestyle changes to make a positive difference to your overall ‘Health & Wellbeing’.

To be healthy eat walk and talk right.JPG